In a few hours, I will join the droves of writerly and editorly types boarding planes, trains, and automobiles to Seattle to celebrate all things small press and literary in a big old convention center and around town at the annual AWP litfest. This will be my fourth AWP conference, and I’m excited to be there with my fellow Black Lawrence editorial bad assess and also representing Slope Editions at an on-site book fair tented reading experiment. Here’s where to find me at AWP Seattle:
* I made a set of beautiful limited edition broadsides for 3 new / forthcoming Black Lawrence chapbooks (Nick McRae’s Mountain Redemption, Shane McCrae’s Nonfiction, and Simone Muench’s Trace), and they will be making their debut at the BLP table (B24) at the book fair tomorrow! Read all about the new BLP Chapbook Broadside Series here. Find me at table B24 during most of the book fair Thurs. – Sat.
*Black Lawrence Press will be hosting our annual off-site reading event on Friday night at 7pm at Left Bank Books. Join us for readings & wine in one of Seattle’s historic bookstores!
See you in Seattle…